Africa for Palestine Endorses the International Week of Action: Resisting Genocide – Boycott for Palestinian Liberation (October 4-13, 2024)
18 May POST, Press Releases Israel should be ostracised for its brutality May 18, 2015 By admin_gu5gd8623 Even after decades of occupation, the brutality and savagery of the Israeli state can still startle. A report by the Israeli group Brea... Continue reading
18 May POST, Press Releases On Nakba Day over 10 000 South African School Learners March Against Woolworths over Israel Trade May 18, 2015 By admin_gu5gd8623 More than 10 000 South African school learners' protested earlier today against Woolworths Stores over its Israeli trade. The #BoycottW... Continue reading