Africa for Palestine Endorses the International Week of Action: Resisting Genocide – Boycott for Palestinian Liberation (October 4-13, 2024)
16 Feb #IsraeliApartheidWeek, CAMPAIGNS, POST, Press Releases JOIN: 12TH INTERNATIONAL ISRAELI APARTHEID WEEK February 16, 2016 By admin_gu5gd8623 The 12th annual international #IsraeliApartheidWeek (IAW) campaign takes place in South Africa between the 7th and 13th of March 2016 (... Continue reading
16 Feb #IsraeliApartheidWeek, CAMPAIGNS, POST, Press Releases SOUTH AFRICAN SPEAKING TOUR OF PROFESSOR URI DAVIS, PLO MEMBER OF JEWISH ORIGIN [7 – 13 MARCH 2016] February 16, 2016 By admin_gu5gd8623 Dr Uri Davis, of Jewish origin, grew up in the Israeli town of Kfar Shmariyahu and is today an Associate Professor at Al-Quds Universit... Continue reading