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Churches against Israel’s annexation & several solidarity events tomorrow (Wed 01 July)

Churches against Israel’s annexation & several solidarity events tomorrow (Wed 01 July)

30 June 2020


The SA Council of Churches (SACC) together with the human rights organisation #Africa4Palestine have embarked on awareness raising initiatives involving public messaging, community engagements and billboard advertising to draw attention to the Palestinian-Israeli issue. The initiative highlights the imminent Israeli annexation and theft of Palestinian land due to begin on 01 July 2020.
A statement from the office of the SACC General Secretary, Bishop Malusi Mpumlwana reads:
“The South African Council of Churches (SACC) is appalled at the latest developments in Israel…The proposed annexation of the West Bank will render Palestinians as non-citizens in an Israel State that governs them with apartheid principles…The State of Israel should not be allowed to continue acting as an exception in terms of international law…A careful reading of Jesus as Lord of history leaves no doubt that He would be the first to say an emphatic No to the atrocities of the State of Israel.”
The SACC has called on the World Council of Churches and the Vatican to, among others, approach the United Nations Security Council for urgent action. The SACC has also called “on the international community to consider comprehensive sanctions against Israel should they continue with the illegal annexation of Palestinian land.” Click here for the full SACC statement.
The Palestinian Ambassador to South Africa, Hanan Jarar, has welcomed the SACC and #Africa4Palestine initiatives saying: “The use of media like billboards coupled with grassroots activism and engagements with churches will go a long way in raising awareness of the Palestinian struggle and in particular the plight of Palestinian Christians. I look forward to continue working with churches in South Africa on this issue.”
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Cape Town Multi-Party Press Conference (01 July, 11h00)
Several political parties including the EFF, ANC, NFP, Al-Jamah and others will host a joint press conference with #Africa4Palestine on the upcoming illegal Israeli annexation of Palestinian land.
The multi-party press conference will be held on Wednesday 01 July at 11h00 at 6 Spin Street in Cape Town.
Members of the media are invited to attend.
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Protest in Johannesburg at USA Consulate (01 July, 13h00)
Tomorrow (Wednesday 01 July 2020), coinciding with the date that Israel plans on stealing through annexation more than 30 percent of Palestinian land, the staff and volunteers of the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation and #Africa4Palestine will hold a lawful picket outside the US Consulate in Sandton.
The USA, and specifically the Donald Trump administration, is the main driving force and sponsor behind the Israeli government’s upcoming annexation. We as civil society support our Government’s and the African Union’s opposition to the annexation. We furthermore support the call by the SA Council of Churches for sanctions to be imposed on the Israeli regime for its annexation of Palestinian land.
Media are invited to cover the protest: Wednesday, 01 July 2020 at 13h00, outside the USA Consulate (1 Sandton Drive, Johannesburg)
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Panel Discussion with Deputy Minister of International Relations (01 July, 17h00)
South Africa’s Deputy Minister of International Relations, DM Alvin Botes, will lead a panel discussion tomorrow (01 July 2020) at 17h00 together with former ANC Member of Parliament Nyami Booi, Chairperson of the National Coalition 4 Palestine (NC4P) Reverend Edwin Arrison, Palestinian Ambassador Hanan Jarar and Aber Kawas of #Africa4Palestine.
The title of the event is: “Fearlessly Standing Against the Illegal Annexation of Palestinian Land” The event will be broadcast live on our FaceBook page.
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Spokesperson, Tisetso Magama: +27 (0) 61 414 6348
Director, Muhammed Desai: +27 (0) 84 211 9988
Suite 3 | Park Center | 75 12th Street | Parkhurst | Johannesburg
PO Box 2318 | Houghton | 2041 | Johannesburg
T: +27 (0) 11 403 2097  | F: +27 (0) 86 650 4836 | E: info@africa4palestine.com
BDS South Africa is a registered Non-Profit Organization. NPO NUMBER: 084 306 NPO
BDS South Africa is a registered Public Benefit Organisation with Section 18A status. PBO NUMBER: 930 037 446

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